Our club organizes a hobby badminton tournament at the Hamm sports hall on Sunday the 7th of July 2024 located at 157 rue de Hamm L-1713 Luxembourg

It will mainly be men doubles and women doubles (possible mixed doubles) and the matches will start from 10.00. The sports hall will be opened from 9.30.

The type of game will be the Swiss system and it will be a whole day event.
The last matches will probably occur around 18.00.

The participants have to register before the 4th of July 2024 by sending an email and specifying if you will have the onsite lunch.
Players without partner can also register and an effort will be made to find a partner.

A lunch onsite is planned and will consist of pasta with a choice of sauce.

Water will be free but the other beverages will require a payment.


Details of rounds

June 17th, 2024

Posted In: Tournaments